# WarFairy Arms Atlas AR-15 Lower Receiver #### Author Warfairy #### Version 2.0 #### Description This is meant to be a more precision rifle than previous releases. The integrated bipod takes almost all stresses off of the upper. The DMR uses standard AR-15 uppers and magazines, and has provisions for bolt and mag releases. The SSR is purpose built as a lower for Bolt Action or single shot high recoil uppers such as the Tactilite series of uppers. The SSR has NO provision for Bolt Release, Magazine Release, Magazine well or Buffer Retainer. #### Bill of Materials ##### COMMON PARTS - Bipod Left Part 1 - Bipod Left Part 2 - (2x) Bipod Peg Part 1 - (2x) Bipod Peg Part 2 - Bipod Right Part 1 - Bipod Right Part 2 - Rear Takedown Pin - Stock Front - Stock Knob - Stock Rail Front - Stock Rail Rear - Stock Rear ##### DMR - Atlas DMR Receiver Front - Atlas DMR Recevier Rear #####SSR - Atlas SSR Receiver Front - Atlas SSR Receiver Rear ##### Forearm - EITHER Short Fore Arm OR - Long Fore Arm Part 1 and Long Fore Arm Part 2 #### PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS: All STL Files are oriented in the proper direction already. No rotation is necessary. All files are small enough to fit in 5.5" cube print envelope. Support Material should only be necessary for Atlas SSR Reciever Front and Atlas DMR Receiver Front. Use your own judgement. #### POST PRINT INSTRUCTIONS: It is highly recommended to do an acetone wipe or MEK dip on all parts to ensure rigidity if using in high recoil applications. Ensure all holes for Lower parts kit are dimensioned properly after printing as your printer WILL mess up the dimensions slightly. You may have to sand the curved interface between lower receiver and upper to allow lockup of the rear takedown pin. Keep this interface as tight as possible to preclude recoil induced failure. #### ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: TEST FIT EVERYTHING BEFORE GLUING ANYTHING.REFER TO RENDERS/ATLAS ASSEMBLY GUIDE.JPG FOR ASSISTANCE. Assemble from back to front. (Stock Rear - Stock Front - Receiver Rear - Receiver Rear - Forearm). Ensure interfaces are clear of support material and fit flush before applying Weld-On #4 or other adhesive/solvent. Apply stock knob and lower rail sections to their respective positions. Glue bipod part 1's to their respective part 2's. One has a T interface, the other has three hemispheres. Position bipod legs to angled faces of forearm. The curved part at the peg hole should be facing downwards. Apply small amount of glue to the bottom of the peg hole in forearm. Insert Bipod Peg Part 1 through bipod leg and into hole in forearm. Center Bipod Peg part 2 on Bipod Peg Part 1. ONLY glue center face of bipod peg part 2. DO NOT allow glue to affix spring arms of Bipod Peg part 1. Allow glue on all bipod parts to set before attempting to lower or raise legs. #### WARNING: ALLOW ALL GLUE TO SET AND CURE FOR AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TEST FIRING WITH HIGH CALIBER UPPERS. THESE DESIGNS ARE UNTESTED WITH ANYTHING LARGER THAN .50 BEOWULF. FIRE AT OWN RISK, WITH A STRING, AND FROM BEHIND COVER UNTIL INTEGRITY IS TESTED. CEASE USE IF ANY STRESS FRACTURES ARE SEEN. BE SAFE.